The player must choose a vocation2 Wanderer4, General, Miner, Merchant, Explorer. Any player is at liberty to keep his vocation secret and play secretly. The summons can be given out randomly or distributed on purpose, whoever wants to play how. A vocation, it’s your role profile in the game that gives you certain bonuses or disadvantages. Your vocation determined at the beginning of the game can be changed when you advance to a new level.
- Wanderer.
A wanderer, a free character. He has no commanders, he answers to no one. There are no laws for him. He can steal, he can bail out for a good price, or he can be a loyal ally. This character has a bonus to stealing, and you can steal from anyone. - General.
Aim for fire! It is the most frequent cry on the bridge of the ship. The General doesn’t understand negotiation, it’s easier for him to blow everything to smithereens, get his way, and then think about it. - Miner.
Tu comments are redundant. To extract and sell profitably. Has a bonus to mining and resource gathering. - Dealer.
A businessman is always in business! Need to buy, need to bring – no problem! Do you have enough money? Has a bonus on the volume of cargo carried. - Researcher.
They are always eager to discover the furthest corners. Before they move into a sector, they scan it and open it up. Have a bonus to scanning radius.